SLIDE 1: 2024 Annual Conference on Independent Living BACK TO THE FUTURE Presented by the National Council on Independent Living Alt text: Conference Logo: Black sans serif text says, “BACK TO THE FUTURE”. To the right, digital font in bright, bold orange says, “2024”. Underneath, [NCIL Logo: National Council on Independent Living] Annual Conference on Independent Living. SLIDE 2: Building an Action-Oriented Advocacy Network Workshop 2.3 July 22, 2024 Russell Dawson Rawlings, CFILC, Community Organizing Manager Dan Okenfuss, CFILC, Public Policy Manager SLIDE 3: Goals Using online tools to engage consumers in your advocacy campaigns. Developing a campaign message. Identifying the campaign’s targets. Educating consumers to take action. Assessment and results of campaign. SLIDE 4: Community Organizing How did we get here? California Foundation for Independent Living Centers California State Independent Living Council DOnetwork LTSS4all Coalition SLIDE 5: Case Study: Budget Cuts Focus of Campaign: Oppose state budget cuts to social services for older adults and people with disabilities. Goals: Engage consumers to contact governor and legislators to reject these cuts. SLIDE 6: Case Study: Budget Cuts Campaign message points: Stock message developed by coalition leaders. Custom field for consumers to add personal stories of how these budge cuts affect their lives and their families. SLIDE 7: Case Study: Budget Cuts Use of digital platform to stage this campaign. Creation of coalition organizing hub document. Links to our website advocacy alert page for submitting emails to governor and targeted legislators. Scheduling and promoting call-in advocacy events. Advocacy events staged in northern and southern California. SLIDE 8: Campaign Assessment Campaign challenges Understanding the state budget process. Limited in-person testimony opportunities. Increased importance of emails, letters, phone calls, etc. Evolving message limitations. SLIDE 9: Campaign Assessment Measuring Campaign Data # of campaign participants # of emails sent to Governor and legislators # of personal visits to legislator offices (district and Capitol) # of phone calls. SLIDE 10: Campaign Assessment Campaign results – “Did we win?” Outcomes Budget cuts avoided or reduced? Follow-ups and Next steps? SLIDE 11: Questions?