SLIDE 1: 2024 NCIL Annual Conference 2024 Annual Conference on Independent Living BACK TO THE FUTURE Presented by the National Council on Independent Living Alt text: Conference Logo: Black sans serif text says, “BACK TO THE FUTURE”. To the right, digital font in bright, bold orange says, “2024”. Underneath, [NCIL Logo: National Council on Independent Living] Annual Conference on Independent Living. SLIDE 2: LEAD Center Presentation Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Why You Should Care A Conversation about Inclusive AI / July 22, 2024 Adam Fishbein, Sarah Loizeaux, Elizabeth Layman, Scott Robertson   SLIDE 3: Today’s Presenters Adam Fishbein, MPA Policy Advisor Office of Disability Employment Policy U.S. Department of Labor Alt text: A white male with brown hair and a brown mustache and beard, wearing a white shirt, smiling for the camera. Scott Robertson, PhD Senior Policy Advisor Employment-Related Supports Team Office of Disability Employment Policy U.S. Department of Labor Alt text: A white male with brown hair , wearing glasses and a tan shirt, smiling for the camera. Sarah Loizeaux, MA, CRC Subject Matter Expert on Inclusive Career Pathways LEAD WIOA Policy Development Center​ National Disability Institute Alt text: A white woman with long brown hair wearing a tan jacket and white shirt with a beaded necklace, smiling for the camera. Elizabeth Layman, MPH Director of Health Equity, LEAD Equity Advisors Team LEAD WIOA Policy Development Center National Disability Institute Alt text: A white woman with long brown hair wearing a tan jacket and white shirt with a beaded necklace, smiling for the camera. SLIDE 4: Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) Non-regulatory Federal agency that promotes policies and coordinates with employers and all levels of government to increase workplace success for people with disabilities. Mission: develop and influence policies and practices that increase the number and quality of employment opportunities for people with disabilities. SLIDE 5: LEAD WIOA Policy Development Center (1) The National Center on Leadership for the Employment and Economic Advancement of People with Disabilities (LEAD) is a Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Policy Development Center funded by the Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP). The LEAD Center delivers policy research and recommendations, technical assistance, and demonstration projects to promote inclusion and equity, and facilitate the adoption and integration of inclusive WIOA programs, policies, and practices. SLIDE 6: LEAD WIOA Policy Development Center (2) Three priority areas: Creating Career Pathways to Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE) Advancing Economic Self-Sufficiency/Financial Empowerment Improving Data Reporting on Disability through WIOA Programs SLIDE 7: Learning Objectives Define Artificial Intelligence (AI), its impact on disability access and inclusion, and the concept of “Inclusive AI.” Discuss the challenges and opportunities AI holds for people with disabilities, especially as it relates to employment and financial wellness, and how AI has already impacted lives. Share strategies and resources to better ensure nondiscriminatory use of AI. SLIDE 8: What is Artificial Intelligence? An umbrella term that refers to efforts to teach computers to perform complex tasks and behave in ways that mimic human behavior - Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology (PEAT). Alt text: Close-up of robot from the movie I, Robot. SLIDE 9: What is Inclusive AI? AI technologies that humans intentionally design, develop, and implement to result in more equitable outcomes for everyone, including people with disabilities (PEAT). Alt text: Balanced scales SLIDE 10: Why Should We Care About Inclusive AI? 99% of Fortune 500 companies use automated systems in the hiring process. The federal government invested over $6 billion in AI in 2021, and that number is expected to grow through 2026. 36% of companies surveyed in a 2021 report had already experienced challenges or negative business impacts due to AI bias ( Alt text: Piechart graphic, not connected to data on slide SLIDE 11: Potential Benefits of AI AI as a Tool for Better Access and Inclusion: Increased accessibility of the digital and physical world New, creative ideas for job matching and accommodations An exciting opportunity to build “universal access” (curb cut effect) Discussing these opportunities and barriers in conversations like this one can make a positive impact. Reliance on accurate data and diverse experts, including people with disabilities, may be a strong pathway to equitable AI. Alt text: an image of a curb cut. SLIDE 12: Potential Barriers of AI AI as a Barrier to Access and Inclusion: Potential for biased algorithms Potential for inaccessible interfaces Incomplete training data (especially on people with rare conditions/disabilities) Discussing these opportunities and barriers in conversations like this one can make a positive impact. Reliance on accurate data and diverse experts, including people with disabilities, may be a strong pathway to equitable AI. Alt text: Close-up of computer code. SLIDE 13: AI Examples (1) AI-driven captioning and transcripts: Automatically generates text descriptions for audio and video content. Captions and transcripts are essential for Deaf or hard of hearing individuals and can also assist people with other types of disabilities, including learning disabilities. Alt text: screenshot of a LEAD Center YouTube video with captions at bottom. Note: This is an example of captions, but the captions in this video were not automatically generated. AI-driven captioning and transcripts: Automatically generates text descriptions for audio and video content (examples: Zoom meetings, YouTube videos). Captions and transcripts are essential for Deaf or hard-of-hearing individuals and can also assist people with other types of disabilities, including learning disabilities. SLIDE 14: AI Examples (2) AI-driven alternative text (alt text): Automatically generates text descriptions for images and graphics. Alt text allows people who are blind or low-vision to benefit from the visuals on a website or app; it also helps people with slow Internet when images may not load. Alt text: Screenshot of generated Alternative Text suggestions on Facebook for the LEAD Center logo SLIDE 15: AI Examples (3) Autonomous Vehicles (AVs): Fully accessible AVs aim to use AI to increase transportation options for people with all types of disabilities and for others who may have limited transportation options (NDI research). Alt text: infographic of fully accessible AV concept from NDI's report. Text reads: Economic impact and job creation at the Moderate Scenario Year 0. SLIDE 16: Promising Practices in Achieving Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity: A Section 188 Disability Reference Guide A resource of promising practices that can help promote equal access to individuals with disabilities to the American Job Center (AJC) or “One Stop” system. Note: Access the 2019 version SLIDE 17: Updates to Section 188 Disability Reference Guide (1) Include additional practices, ideas, and resources that consider the systemic barriers individuals with disabilities may face because of intersecting identities and increase cultural competence of service providers who serve them. Consistent with language from Executive Order 13985 and the Department of Labor’s Equity Plan. SLIDE 18: Updates to Section 188 Disability Reference Guide (2) Address strategies for nondiscriminatory use of newer technologies such as AI, and promote the workforce system’s use of “Inclusive AI.” As defined by: AI that is intentionally designed, developed, and implemented to result in equitable outcomes for everyone, including people with disabilities. Alt text: Clippy, the paperclip from Microsoft. SLIDE 19: Updates to Section 188 Disability Reference Guide (3) Share promising practices related to: Nondiscrimination and equal opportunity Reasonable accommodations and modifications Administration of program in the most integrated setting Engagement of effective communication Accessible electronic and information technology Providing physical and programmatic accessibility Prohibiting discrimination in employment policies SLIDE 20: Sharing your AI Experiences What are your personal experiences with AI? Can you share a client and/or community experience using AI? How might AI benefit from input from the disability community? What are some ways you are advocating for Inclusive AI? Alt text: Fictional image of computer brain. SLIDE 21: AI & Disability Toolkit PEAT’s toolkit: includes guidance to help organizations navigate the potential risks of implementing AI technologies (specifically for people with disabilities), outlines practices to help make AI implementation more equitable, and assists organizations make a business case for Inclusive AI to organizational leaders. Alt text: Screenshot of AI & Disability Inclusion Toolkit, with a photo of a man with electricity flowing around his mind. SLIDE 22: Questions and Answers Questions? Alt text: Robotic hand holding a lightbulb SLIDE 23: Resources (1) The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Use of Software, Algorithms, and Artificial Intelligence to Assess Job Applicants and Employees – EEOC White House: Executive Order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence Department of Labor's Artificial Intelligence and Worker Well-being: Principles for Developers and Employers Alt text: Turnstile entrance SLIDE 24: Resources (2) ADA Guidance: Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, and Disability Discrimination in Hiring AI.GOV Making Your Voice Heard (Submitting Public Comments) Blueprint for AI Bill of Rights – White House Office of Science & Technology Policy Economic Impacts of Removing Transportation Barriers to Employment for Individuals with Disabilities through Autonomous Vehicle Adoption (NDI) SLIDE 25: Presenters’ Contact Info Adam Fishbein, MPA Scott Robertson, PhD Sarah Loizeaux, MA, CRC Elizabeth Layman, MPH SLIDE 26: LEAD Center Sign up to get information and notifications! Alt text: LEAD Center logo. SLIDE 27: Let’s Stay in Touch! Facebook: X: LinkedIn: YouTube: SLIDE 28: Thank You!