SLIDE 1: 2024 Annual Conference on Independent Living BACK TO THE FUTURE Presented by the National Council on Independent Living SLIDE 2: Cultivating International Collaboration Among IL Centers Around the World ~Report of Japanese International Assistance by CILs~ July 22, 2024 SHIGETO ITANI, Vice Chair Japan Council on Independent Living Centers - JIL SLIDE 3: Shigeto Itani President of CIL-Hoshizora Vice-Chair of JIL Board Member of DPI-JAPAN Born in 1978. June 2001, I broke neck and became disabled at the age of 22. After having stayed in homebound for 6 years, started living independently from 2008. Founded CIL-Hoshizora in April 2009 For the last 15 years, working on independent living of persons with disabilities and accessibility issue. As an activist of disability rights, have many speaking engagements as well as communication on SNS, etc. Alt text: Shigeto is Male, short hair with some beards, wearing T-shirts and Navy Jacket. SLIDE 4: Japan Council on Independent Living - JIL JIL is founded in 1991 Vision: We aim for a society where people with and without disabilities are not divided, where everyone can live together without discrimination, towards the full implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Mission: 1. De-institutionalization and Promote Community Living 2. Eliminate discrimination 3. Respect diversity and realize inclusive society 4. Expand IL movement around the world SLIDE 5: World Independent Living Center Network (WIN) Established on July, 2017 at Global IL Summit in Washington, DC IL leaders from 19 countries have gathered. Brussels, Hangry, Bulgaria, Sweden, South Africa, Ethiopia, Cambodia, Indonesia, Mongolia, Thailand, Nepal, Pakistan, Viet Nam, Taiwan, Japan, Canada, USA, Costa Rica, Bolivia WIN has formed so that IL Centers around the world to act in solidarity! SLIDE 6: Global IL Summit in 2017, Washington, DC Photo left: Summit room is packed with IL leaders around the world! Photo right: US and Japan IL leaders posing Lead On! In front of WIN Banner. SLIDE 7: Contents of Today 1. Overview of Japanese IL Movement 2. Assistance to developing countries 3. Current projects and activities 4. My International Experiences 5. Conclusion SLIDE 8: 1. Overview of Japanese Independent Living Movement SLIDE 9: Japanese IL Movement - 1 1970’s Start of IL movement in USA 1980’s US IL movement is passed on to Japan 1990’s Started to establish IL Centers in Japan Beginning of Personal Assistance Services. SLIDE 10: Japanese IL Movement – 2 Current IL in Japan 117 IL Centers across Japan Advocacy, ILP, Peer Counseling, PA services, Negotiation with governments about PA and other services, accessibility movement for public transportations, etc. SLIDE 11: 2. Assistance to Developing Countries SLIDE 12: Turning point that led to International Assistance From 1999, started to accept “Duskin Leadership Training” for Asians with disabilities. 5-6 Persons with disabilities from Asian countries every year CILs have accepted trainees Upon returning, some trainees have wished to establish CILs. From 2003, started to assist in establishment of CILs in Pakistan, Nepal, Taiwan, Cambodia and Mongolia. SLIDE 13: Forms (Types) of Assistances IL Center’s own funding IL Center cover expenses needed for assistance & activities Objective of our movement is not to become rich, but Our objectives are to protect rights of persons with disabilities, therefore, We save & allocate fund toward assistance to developing countries 3 IL Centers – Mainstream Association, CIL-Muchu and CIL Partner, have been collaborating to assist: Pakistan, Nepal, Taiwan, Cambodia, Mongolia from 2003. This summer, we will start assistance to Viet Nam. SLIDE 14: IL Seminar in Pakistan Alt text: Japanese IL leaders and Pakistan leaders are at podium. There is a banner says: Equal Rights Are The First Step of the Development. Pakitan IL Center - Mileston LOGO - Wheelchair logo carrying the torch. SLIDE 15: Cambodia, Phnom Penh CIL Alt text: Japanese IL leaders visit Phnom Penh CIL. about 50 people gathered. SLIDE 16: Bolivia Alt text: Japanese IL leader visit CIL in Bolivia. About 30 people gathered. SLIDE 17: Forms (Types) of Assistances 2. Collaboration with Development Agency and Private Foundations Apply for JICA program and execute projects One great merit is FUNDING that covers about 3 years’ activities Assisted through JICA projects: Costa Rica, South Africa, Mongolia, Pakistan JICA has program that bring people from overseas to Japan for various trainings. SLIDE 18: Costa Rica  IL Center Morpho Alt text: Japanese IL leaders visit Costa Rica. About 10 people in wheelchairs and other 10 standing behind them, all raising hands. SLIDE 19: South African - episode Alt text: A man in the wheelchair with Back shirts. He hardly spoke anything when project manager visited for the first time. He joined support group which changed him to become much social in his community. This day was his birthday and many people were visiting and having a huge party. He approached me and introduced his mother. SLIDE 20: 3. Current Activity JICA NGO Program ~ Training Program for International Assistance to Promote IL movement ~ SLIDE 21: Training Program for International Assistance to Promote IL movement Goals To train DPOs on assistance for people with disabilities in developing countries To improve project management skills To expand network among disability organizations To train young people who will continue international cooperations 2. Participating Organizations: 10 DPOs 3. Training Curriculum In-country trainings – 8 meetings Overseas trainings - To visit IL Centers in Nepal, Viet Nam, Cambodia, Pakistan, Mongolia and learn about IL movement overseas. SLIDE 22: Nepal Visit Photo left: Visit to Nepal Association of the Deaf Photo right: Visit to CIL in Nepal SLIDE 23: Refugee Assistance in Jordan and Syria Photo left: Itani with participants of seminar for Syria refugees. Front: Itani and participants, Behind: JICA staff and Itani’s PAs Photo right: Break time. Itani consulting for a person who is a refugee from Syria. Syria person sitting on sofa and next is translator. Itani is facing him with another participants. SLIDE 24: Columbia – Assistance to victims of conflicts March in Bogota -1, Columbia. Itani’s PA is leading the march with LEAD ON! Flag. About 30 people following the march. Meeting with IL leaders of Columbia March in Bogota, Columbia – 2 SLIDE 25: 4. My International Experiences SLIDE 26: I had opportunities to work with Refugees from Syria in Jordan and victims of conflicts in Columbia through JICA projects. There are many people with disabilities around the world who are living very difficult situations and circumstances. We, as people with disabilities, can become “friends” on equal terms. CRPD is our goal as well as it is a measure and also our support SLIDE 27: 5. Conclusions Now is the time for Back To The Future! SLIDE 28: International Assistance will Also Strengthen Movement in Our Country Assistance is not only to give. Give and we also receive In Japan, there are PA service systems, accessibility of public transportations – with basic services are in place, younger generations lack the experience in making new policies. In developing countries, we face our fellow friends and advocates are fighting in such challenging society. We realize that their movement is much stronger than ours! We need to do more!!! International assistance empowers our disability rights movement There are so many countries not yet have IL movement US CILs – Please join us supporting IL Centers in developing countries and expand our Global Solidarity! SLIDE 29: Let’s Support IL Centers in Developing Countries!!! Alt text: A cover page design of IL Summit panflet. IL Changes the World!! Global IL Summit WIN and WIN logo design - multiple curcles are interconnected. LEAD ON!! SLIDE 30 Questions & Comments?