Information for Presenters

Conference Logo: Black sans serif text says, “BACK TO THE FUTURE”. To the right, digital font in bright, bold orange says, “2024”. Underneath, [NCIL Logo: National Council on Independent Living] Annual Conference on Independent Living.

July 22-25 (Grand Hyatt, Washington, DC)

1. Registration

Presenters and facilitators are not exempt from registration fees. Presenters must register and pay for all days they plan to attend. Presenters who attend only their session and no other events do not need to register or pay.

2. Workshop Sessions

Workshop sessions run for one hour and fifteen minutes. All sessions will be interpreted and captioned. If your presentation will take longer, you must apply for a series of workshops.

Sessions will be held live at the Grand Hyatt Washington. We will distribute a presenter orientation to all presenters this summer. NCIL’s audio / visual team will handle all of the technical and access needs so that you can focus on your presentation.

3. Requirements

  • All presentation materials will be made available to all registered conference participants.
  • Submit your presentation materials, handouts if any, and a terminology list. More information in section 4.

4. Materials

Presenters must submit presentation materials by MAY 31, 2024. Your materials will be shared with sign language interpreters and CART writers to familiarize them with the materials and terminology.

  • NCIL will handle the production and distribution of accessible formats (plain text, audio, large print, and Braille) for all materials submitted by the May 31, 2024 deadline.
  • Materials not submitted by May 31, 2024 MAY NOT be distributed or displayed during workshops. Presenters MUST submit their materials by May 31 to be able to display them in their workshops.
  • Materials should follow these guidelines to improve accessibility:
    • Avoid images and complex tables and graphs except when directly related to the content of your presentation.
    • If images are critical to your content, provide a descriptive caption of the item.
    • Use plain language or provide a plain language version of your presentation.
  • Our attendees expect, and learn best when provided with presentation slides and relevant handout materials. To increase education and the application of concepts, we encourage presenters to provide handouts.

5. Deadlines

This Call for Proposals is the only request that will be issued for speakers, group facilitators, or poster presentations for the 2024 Conference. The proposal submission deadline is 11:59 p.m. Eastern on January 22, 2024.

NCIL’s Annual Conference Subcommittee carefully reviews each proposal and selects those that are relevant to this year’s Conference theme and are valuable to a cross-section of CIL, SILC, and IL Association staff, board members, consumers, and other IL advocates. The Conference Subcommittee will review all proposals received by the deadline. The decisions of the Subcommittee are final.

  • Proposal organizers will be notified by February 19, 2024 whether they have been selected to present at the Conference. If you have been selected to present at the Conference, please do not make travel arrangements until your presentation day and time have been assigned.

6. Accommodations for Presenters

You can request attendee accommodations when you register for the conference. If you need accommodations to present your workshop, please notify Angela Ellman at no later than May 31, 2024.

If you have any questions about this form or the work of the Subcommittee, please contact Angela Ellman at