Conference Logo: Black sans serif text says, “BACK TO THE FUTURE”. To the right, digital font in bright, bold orange says, “2024”. Underneath, [NCIL Logo: National Council on Independent Living] Annual Conference on Independent Living.

Date: April 9, 2024

Elections for the NCIL Governing Board are approaching. We strongly encourage new people to consider running for officer positions, Diversity Committee chair, at-large, or regional representative positions. We especially encourage emerging young leaders and multiply-minoritized individuals to run.

NCIL Governing Board Requirements

There are at least four (4) NCIL board meetings per year: one in the winter, two around the time of the NCIL Conference and another in the fall. These meetings are held in-person, with an option to join virtually if needed. The fall meeting travels around the country, while the winter/summer meetings are held in Washington DC.  Every few years, we may extend the length of board meeting or hold an additional meeting to allow for strategic planning, additional board training, or a similar agenda item. All board members are expected to participate in every board meeting. The winter and fall board meetings are up to one full day (9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.), and the board member or their organization must cover all travel costs incurred including airfare and hotel sleeping rooms. NCIL staff are committed to locating hotels with the best possible sleeping room rates, and providing the dates of the meetings well in advance so that board members can purchase lower priced airfare.

 All NCIL board members are required to:

  • Actively participate on at least one NCIL committee or subcommittee.
  • Promote NCIL’s mission and guiding principles
  • Actively recruit new members for NCIL.
  • Be an individual member of NCIL.
  • Be staff, board, or other designated representative of a current CIL / SILC member.

When urgent issues arise, we may hold a special virtual board meeting. A telephone option is always available for individuals who cannot access the internet / webinars. The minimum time commitment required of board members is 3-4 hours per month, but depends on how involved the individual is with NCIL.

We are providing information about the level of involvement necessary to make sure no one is surprised by the commitment once they are elected. Please feel free to contact Theo Braddy, NCIL Executive Director, or anyone currently on the NCIL Board with any questions or requests for further information.