Position Descriptions

Conference Logo: Black sans serif text says, “BACK TO THE FUTURE”. To the right, digital font in bright, bold orange says, “2024”. Underneath, [NCIL Logo: National Council on Independent Living] Annual Conference on Independent Living.


Reports to: NCIL Governing Board

Function: The function of the President is to serve as the Chairperson of the Governing Board and preside at all meetings of the Governing Board, Executive Committee and Annual Council.  The NCIL President is eligible to serve two (2) full terms of two (2) years each.


  1. Presides over the National Council on Independent Living Governing Board, Executive Committee and Annual Council Meetings. Develops agendas with the Executive Director.
  2. Oversees the work and actions of the Board and Board members.
  3. Reviews the organizational structure and develops recommendations for the composition of Board committees.
  4. Appoints, removes or replaces chairs for standing and ad hoc committees, subcommittees or tasks forces (unless otherwise indicated in the NCIL bylaws.)
  5. Participates as an ex-officio member of all standing and ad hoc committees and subcommittees.
  6. Directly supervises the Executive Director of NCIL, and with input from members of the executive committee (and other board members as appropriate) develops and reviews the executive director’s annual performance evaluation. The president, also, with input from the executive committee recommends salary adjustments in accordance with the organization’s approved budget. 
  7. Understands and complies with the rules governing the organization.
  8. Assists the board in carrying out its fiduciary responsibilities, such as reviewing the organization’s financial statements, organizational budget and audit report.
  9. Assist in fund raising and resource development activities.
  10. Provides monthly written reports to the Executive Committee and quarterly written reports to the Governing Board and membership.
  11. Identifies individuals who may fill future Board positions and make leadership development and mentoring activities available to them.
  12. Serves as grassroots spokesperson for the organization.
  13. Performs other duties as assigned by the Governing Board.


  • must be a staff, board or designated representative of a current CIL / SILC Member,
  • actively participated as a member of the NCIL board for at least two (2) years or as Chair of a NCIL Committee, Subcommittee, Task Force, or Caucus for four (4) years,
  • must maintain an Individual Membership within NCIL and the sponsoring CIL / SILC must maintain their CIL / SILC membership, and
  • must have the ability and willingness to meet all assigned responsibilities.

Vice President

Reports to: President

Function: The function of the Vice President is to monitor the legislative and advocacy activities of NCIL, provide direction to and oversee the work of appointed advocacy subcommittees and task forces and act as liaison between the advocacy subcommittees and the Executive Committee. The Vice President shall serve in the capacity of the President at the President’s direction or during the absence of the President. The NCIL Vice President is eligible to serve two (2) full terms of two (2) years each.


  1. Chairs the NCIL Legislative and Advocacy Committee.
  2. Oversees the activities of the NCIL advocacy subcommittees.
  3. Identifies and recommends to the NCIL President, individuals to chair the various subcommittees
  4. Assists subcommittee chairs in identifying and recruiting individuals with talents and interests as subcommittee members.
  5. Oversees the development of subcommittee goals and objectives, and the progress towards achieving the goals.
  6. Provides technical assistance to subcommittee chairs as needed.
  7. Communicates regularly with advocacy subcommittee chairs and the NCIL Director of Advocacy and Public Policy or NCIL Advocacy staff.
  8. Understands and complies with the rules governing the organization.
  9. Assists the board in carrying out its fiduciary responsibilities, such as reviewing the organization’s financial statements, organizational budget and audit report.
  10. Actively participates in all NCIL fund raising and resource development activities.
  11. Provides monthly written reports to the Executive Committee and quarterly written reports to the Governing Board and membership.
  12. Convenes Legislative and Advocacy Committee conference calls as needed.
  13. Attends and participates in all Executive Committee conference calls and Governing Board meetings.
  14. Identifies individuals who may fill future Board positions and make leadership development and mentoring activities available to them.
  15. Provides input to NCIL President on Executive Director’s performance evaluation.
  16. Performs other duties as assigned by the NCIL President or Governing Board.


  • must be a staff, board or designated representative of a current CIL / SILC Member,
  • actively participated as a member of the NCIL board for at least two (2) years or as Chair of a NCIL Committee, Subcommittee, Task Force, or Caucus for four (4) years,
  • must maintain an Individual Membership within NCIL and the sponsoring CIL / SILC must maintain their CIL / SILC membership, and
  • must have the ability and willingness to meet all assigned responsibilities.


Reports to: President

Function: The function of the NCIL Secretary is to chair the Human Resource Committee and oversee activities related to NCIL’s human resource issues. The NCIL Secretary is eligible to serve two (2) full terms of two (2) years each.


  1. Chairs the Human Resource Committee.
  2. Coordinates membership recruitment, leadership development activities and identifies and recruits individuals to serve on the NCIL Governing Board.
  3. Convenes the Human Resource Committee as needed to review any grievances made against the organization, board or staff.
  4. Convenes the HR committee on a regular basis for review of the organization’s bylaws, personnel policies, standard operating procedures, executive director and board position descriptions, and other policies and procedures affecting the organizations operations, and Presents for approval, the committee’s recommended changes to the board.
  5. Understands and complies with the rules governing the organization.
  6. Assists the board in carrying out its fiduciary responsibilities, such as reviewing the organization’s financial statements, organizational budget and audit report.
  7. Actively participates in all NCIL fund raising and resource development activities.
  8. Attends and participates in all Executive Committee conference calls (meetings) and Governing Board meetings.
  9. Provides input to NCIL President on Executive Director’s performance evaluation.
  10. Performs other duties as assigned by the NCIL President or Governing Board.


  • must be a staff, board or designated representative of a current CIL / SILC Member,
  • highly recommend active participation as a member of the NCIL board and / or as a member of the NCIL Human Resources Committee for at least two years.
  • must maintain an Individual Membership within NCIL and the sponsoring CIL / SILC must maintain their CIL / SILC membership, and
  • must have the ability and willingness to meet all assigned responsibilities.


Reports to: President

Function: The function of the Treasurer is to assure the proper receipt and disbursement of all NCIL funds, shall make reports on the financial condition of NCIL to the Governing Board and the membership.  The Treasurer shall chair NCIL Finance Committee. The Treasurer or his or her designee shall serve on the NCIL Resource Development subcommittee. The NCIL treasurer is eligible to serve two (2) full terms of two (2) years each.


  1. Chairs the Finance Committee and conducts regular conference calls / meetings of the committee.
  2. Reviews the organization’s income and expense statements regularly with the staff accountant and the Executive Director as needed.
  3. With the Executive Director presents the financial statements at each meeting of the Executive Committee and at each business meeting of the Governing Board.
  4. Provides the Executive Director with input of ways to develop financial reports
  5. With the Executive Director develops an annual organizational budget and presents it to the Governing Board
  6. With the Executive Director reviews annual independent organizational audit and presents the audit to the Governing Board and NCIL membership.
  7. Understands and complies with the rules governing the organization.
  8. Actively participates in NCIL’s fund raising and resource development activities.
  9. Provides input to NCIL President on Executive Director’s job performance evaluation.
  10. Identifies individuals who may fill future Board positions and make leadership development and mentoring activities available to them.
  11. Attends and participates on all Executive Committee conference calls and Governing Board meetings. *
  12. Performs other duties as assigned by NCIL President or Governing Board.


  • must be a staff, board or designated representative of a current CIL / SILC Member,
  • have experience with non-profit fiscal management,
  • highly recommend active participation as a member of the NCIL Board and/or as a member of the NCIL Finance Committee for at least two years
  • must maintain an Individual Membership within NCIL and the sponsoring CIL / SILC must maintain their CIL / SILC membership, and
  • must have the ability and willingness to meet all assigned responsibilities.

Regional Representative Chair

Reports to: President

Function: The Function of the Regional Representative Chair is to facilitate communication amongst the Regional Representatives.  The Regional Representative Chair is elected annually by a majority vote of the 10 Regional Representatives. The Regional Representative Chair is a member of the executive committee.


  1. Chairs the Regional Representative Committee.
  2. Convenes regularly scheduled Regional Representative conference calls.
  3. Provides technical assistance to Regional Representatives as needed.
  4. Encourages the Regional Representatives to maintain contact and disseminating information about NCIL’s activities to their regional membership.
  5. As the liaison between the Regional Reps and the Executive Committee, the Region Rep Chair communicates NCIL members concerns or other issues related to NCIL’s activities, policies and / or procedures.
  6. Acts as Regional Representative within one’s own region.
  7. Coordinates advocacy activities with members in one’s region related to NCIL’s “Day on the Hill” prior to, and during the NCIL Conference.
  8. Participates on Legislative and Advocacy committee.
  9. Understands and complies with the rules governing the organization.
  10. Assists the board in carrying out its fiduciary responsibilities, such as reviewing the organization’s financial statements, organizational budget and audit report.
  11. Actively participates in NCIL fund raising and resource development activities.
  12. Identifies individuals who may fill future Board positions and make leadership development and mentoring activities available to them.
  13. Provides input to NCIL President on Executive Director’s performance evaluation.
  14. Attends and participates in all NCIL Executive Committee calls (meetings) and Governing Board meetings. *
  15. Performs other duties as assigned by the President or Governing Board.


  • must be a staff, board or designated representative of a current CIL / SILC Member,
  • highly recommend active participation as a Regional Representative for at least two (2) years,
  • must maintain an Individual Membership within NCIL and the sponsoring CIL / SILC must maintain their CIL / SILC membership, and
  • must have the ability and willingness to meet all assigned responsibilities.

Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Inclusion (DEAI) Committee Chair

Reports to: President

Function: The function of the NCIL Diversity Committee Chair is to advise and assist NCIL on ways in which to increase participation of individuals with disabilities from culturally diverse populations throughout the organization and its activities. The Diversity Committee Chair participates on the executive committee.


  1. Chairs the Diversity Committee.
  2. Identifies and recruits individuals with disabilities from culturally diverse backgrounds to participate in NCIL committees and subcommittees.
  3. Identifies individuals with culturally diverse backgrounds who may fill future Board positions and make leadership development and mentoring activities available to them.
  4. Understands and complies with the rules governing the organization.
  5. Assists the board in carrying out its fiduciary responsibilities, such as reviewing the organization’s financial statements, organizational budget and audit report.
  6. Actively participates in all NCIL fund raising and resource development activities.
  7. Coordinates the Diversity Caucuses and other activities at the annual NCIL conference.
  8. Provides input to NCIL President on Executive Director’s performance evaluation.
  9. Attends and participates in all Executive Committee conference calls (meetings) and Governing Board meetings. *
  10. Performs other duties as requested by the President and / or Governing Board.


  • must be a staff, board or designated representative of a current CIL / SILC Member,
  • must represent an underrepresented or diverse population,
  • highly recommend active participation on the Diversity Committee or a Caucus under the Diversity Committee for at least two (2) years,
  • must maintain an Individual Membership within NCIL and the sponsoring CIL / SILC must maintain their CIL / SILC membership, and
  • must have the ability and willingness to meet all assigned responsibilities.

Regional Representative (Regions 3, 5, 7 open for Appointment)

Reports to: Regional Representative Chair

Function: The primary function of the Regional Representative is to ensure communication between the NCIL members within their region, and the NCIL Governing Board, Executive Committee and NCIL office. 


  1. Communicates regularly with NCIL members within the region regarding NCIL Board and NCIL Legislative and Advocacy Activities.
  2. Provides the NCIL Governing Board and NCIL office with input from the regional members regarding NCIL activities, policies or procedures.
  3. Assists in disseminating NCIL Legislative and Advocacy Alerts to the regional members and other advocates as requested.
  4. Actively recruits and maintains all levels of NCIL membership within THEIR region.
  5. Participates on regularly scheduled Regional Representative conference calls.
  6. Attends and participates in all NCIL Governing Board meetings.
  7. Understands and complies with the rules governing the organization.
  8. Assists the board in carrying out its fiduciary responsibilities, such as reviewing the organization’s financial statements, organizational budget and audit report.
  9. Actively participates in NCIL fund raising and resource development activities.
  10. Provides regional members with information related to the Governing Board and Executive Committee meetings.
  11. Coordinates advocacy activities with members in one’s own region related to NCIL’s “Day on the Hill” prior to, and during the NCIL Conference.
  12. Facilitates regional meetings during NCIL Conference.
  13. Provides technical assistance to members in the region regarding meeting with legislators, NCIL advocacy activities, and general advocacy techniques.
  14. Identifies individuals who may fill future Regional Representative or Board positions and make leadership development and mentoring activities available to them.
  15. Other duties as requested by the Regional Representative Chair or the Board.


  • must be a staff, board or designated representative of a current CIL / SILC member,
  • must live in the region the individual representing,
  • must maintain an Individual Membership within NCIL and the sponsoring CIL / SILC must maintain their CIL / SILC membership, and
  • must have the ability and willingness to meet all assigned responsibilities.

Member At-Large

Reports to: President

Function: The function of a Member At-Large is to assist recruiting new NCIL members and in building a coordinated grassroots coalition to assist in advancing NCIL’s advocacy activities. 


  1. Actively participate on at least one (1) NCIL committee, subcommittee or task force.
  2. Recruits NCIL members by disseminating NCIL membership information in local, state and regional meetings, trainings and conferences.
  3. Works with the NCIL Vice President to identify current or pending advocacy issues on which NCIL will need to develop a position and provide input to the administration and / or congress as requested.
  4. Works with the Regional Representatives in identifying NCIL members who are experts in those national disability laws and / or policies for which NCIL does not have a committee or position.
  5. As requested, assist in identifying NCIL members who can provide testimony for NCIL at local federal hearings
  6. In conjunction with the Regional Representatives act as local grassroots coordinators to assist in expanding NCIL ability to respond to advocacy alerts and calls to action.
  7. Works with the Regional Representatives, Legislative and Advocacy Subcommittees and NCIL office to identify individuals to act as local coordinators in areas / states where there is no NCIL representation.
  8. Attends and participate in all NCIL Governing Board meetings. *
  9. Understands and complies with the rules governing the organization.
  10. Assists the board in carrying out its fiduciary responsibilities, such as reviewing the organization’s financial statements, organizational budget and audit report.
  11. Assist in fund raising and resource development activities.
  12. Informs others about the organization and identify and recruit new NCIL members.
  13. Identifies individuals who may fill future Board positions and make leadership development and mentoring activities available to them.
  14. Performs other duties as assigned by the President or Governing Board.


  • must be a staff, board or designated representative of a current CIL / SILC Member,
  • must maintain an Individual Membership within NCIL and the sponsoring CIL / SILC must maintain their CIL / SILC membership, and
  • must have the ability and willingness to meet all assigned responsibilities.

Youth At-Large

Reports to: President

Function: The function of a Member At-Large is to assist recruiting new NCIL members and educate NCIL members on advocacy issues and priorities of youth with disabilities. A NCIL Youth At-Large is eligible to serve one (1) full term of two (2) years.


  • Actively participate on at least one (1) NCIL committee, subcommittee or task force.
  • Identifies and recruits youth with disabilities to participate in NCIL committees and subcommittees.
  • Participates on regularly scheduled Youth Caucus and Youth Steering Committee conference calls.
  • Coordinates the Youth Caucus activities at the annual NCIL conference in conjunction with the Youth Steering Committee.
  • Attends and participate in all NCIL Governing Board meetings.
  • Understands and complies with the rules governing the organization.
  • Assists the board in carrying out its fiduciary responsibilities, such as reviewing the organization’s financial statements, organizational budget and audit report.
  • Assist in fund raising and resource development activities.
  • Informs others about the organization and identify and recruit new NCIL members.
  • Identifies individuals who may fill future Board positions and make leadership development and mentoring activities available to them.
  • Performs other duties as assigned by the President or Governing Board.


  • must be 26-or-younger at the time of the Youth At-Large election to be eligible for the position,
  • must maintain an Individual Membership within NCIL, and
  • must have the ability and willingness to meet all assigned responsibilities.

This position is elected exclusively by NCIL Youth members.